Oh feels WEIRD. I haven't posted an actual outfit post in what feels like FOREVER. But I'm here now.
My French Exchange partner, Solene, is leaving today. We take her to the airport in an hour. There were two other French girls (both partners of my friends) and one Swiss boy. I loved them all so much, we had so much fun! All the girls were crying except me...I'm sort of a stone fox (VIRGIN SUICIDES REFERENCE:D) when it comes to things like this - saying goodbye, it's not that I'm not sad or whatever, but I just don't really cry. I think when we go to the airport, however, I'm probably gonna cry. I'm happy I get to go to France in February 2010 though. :)
Anyways, this was yesterday's Thanksgiving dinner outfit (it was this weekend in Canada). We went to my aunt's house, which is GORGEOUS and CUTE and SO PERFECT. She got an iPhone, and I'm obsessed!
If anybody would like to buy a 16GB 2nd generation iPod Touch, pleeeease let me know! My baby is only leik, 2 months old (if that) and she's awesome, I am just looking at an iPhone. :)
My outfit right now is just my volleyball stuff, with sweatpants and a sweater on, because I've got volleyball right after driving to Toronto to drop Solene off at the airport. Not very exciting. It's hard to dress fun all the time when you do sports as much as I do.
This morning, for maybe the first time in 6 months, I straightened my hair. AS I WAS WALKING TO SCHOOL, IT STARTED TO RAIN. THE WORST PART IS IT DIDN'T EVEN RAIN ENOUGH TO MAKE MY HAIR CURLY, JUST ENOUGH SO THAT IT WASN'T REALLY STRAIGHT. Ehh, it's just one of those days.
OUTFIT: plaid shirt - razzle dazzle from winners, tee shirt - delia*s, skirt - h&m, tights - no name type brand thing, shoes - converse, bracelet - mexico, rings - mexico, necklaces - gifts.